
27 Nov 2014

Paris JS #41

Last night was the 41st session, and it was a very good one. Not only because I did my first talk but because the community was awesome as ever. This post is a small report of this edition.

The talks

As usual with ParisJS, the subjects were very diverse. Both backend and frontend had their share. Two were real life examples, one was an experiment.

The first talk (mine) was about ReactJS and Games. This is a report of an ongoing experiment using ReactJS to create a game. It started with an oriented introduction to ReactJS and the implementation of several gamedev patterns using ReactJS. You can find the slides on SpeakerDeck

The second talk was made by Jacopo Daeli and he introduced us to Node Webkit. He showed us the benefits of having a platform which brings together the backend and front end together in one programming space. With node-webkit, you can use html/css and friends to build a UI that will rely on robust API from Node to interact with the system.

Last but not least, Laurent Perrin made a presentation about ContentEditable. As they say in the movies, great powers means great responsability, the other word for trouble. And content editable is no exception. The intents of the API are great but some aspects were neglected so we end up pile of hacks when in need for a text editor in the browser. Hopefully, Laurent gave us his tricks in this talk. Slides are available on and the source code is on github.

Big thanks

This event wouldn't have been possible without the sponsors, Thanks a lot!.

See you there next time

If you are a JS dev in Paris, you should definitly come. Like people say there, it's family, you are welcome :).
